The trade with the ALIENO token, as well as all other activities related to it, are carried out by and at the expense of EDNORO Ltd – a company from the ecosystem of ALIENO.
With certificate number BB-39 from 10.12.2021, EDNORO Ltd is entered by the central office of the NATIONAL REVENUE AGENCY (NRA) of Bulgaria, in the Public Register of the legal entities, which by occupation provide services for exchange between virtual currencies and recognized currencies without gold plating, and of the providers of wallets, which offer custody services.
The name of EDNORO Ltd is not accidental and comes from the Bulgarian word “ednorog”, which means “unicorn”.

ALIENO uses EDNORO Ltd as a blade for these new segments (cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies) in which it enters.
Founder and owner of EDNORO Ltd is Ahmed Merchev, who is also founder and majority shareholder of ALIENO Ltd.
Up-to-date information about the ALIENO token, is available on its official website. Direct address: